Stuart and Kathryn Immonen will be signing their graphic novel Russian Olive To Red King at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Monday 19th October at 5:30 PM.
When your lover may be dead, how long can you hold on to what remains? To whatever is left of you?
A plane crash, a package, her dog, her voice. A notebook, his writer’s block, and heat-distorted summer memories of a search for Jumbo the Elephant and an absent father.
Stuart Immonen’s credits include artwork for such titles as All-New X-Men, Superman: Secret Identity, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Nextwave: Agents Of H.A.T.E. He is currently working on Star Wars for Marvel.
Kathryn Immonen produced the graphic novel Moving Pictures with Stuart. She has written a number of titles including Runaways, Heralds, Wolverine and Jubilee and Journey Into Mystery, in which she made the transition from Loki to Sif as the main character. Her most recent title is Operation S.I.N: Agent Carter.
Forbidden Planet London Megastore
179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR
0207 420 3666